Wilderness Survival, Bushcraft, Primitive Skills; so many skills within each! With so many disciplines to study where does one start? Your passion for self reliance and deep nature connection led you here. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned in the out of doors, each course has much to offer you. Scan the paragraphs below to see if any one of these entry points appeal to your interest and motivation for developing your own skills.
Wild Foraging
Does the ability to provide year round nutrition and health from wild foraged plants appeal to you? Learning how to gather, prepare, use, store, and propagate local wild plants for food, medicine, fiber, baskets, and more is at the core of our Foraging Series.
Wilderness Survival
The confidence to enter the back country with little to no gear comes from experience and training. From these two elements we are brought to our own “edge” with regards to building an effective shelter, creating fire for warmth, light, and to purify water, and finding your way back home. Our Survival Foundations and Back Packers Survival courses will bring you both the skills training and the experience to move through the back country with increased abilities and greater confidence.
Self Reliance
Does the ability to engage with your landscape as a participant in a mutually beneficial relationship grab your interest? In our training progression, “survival” is merely the first step in your Nature Literacy” development. Our Earth Living courses address the core subjects of Awareness, Shelter, Water, Fire, and Food for both short term “Survival” as a foundation for applied homesteading, permaculture, and long term “Earth Living”. The standard; if either you or the landscape are suffering, then your skills are ready to be developed.
Tracking and Nature Awareness
Identifying a subject, following their trail on leaf litter, and interpreting the track and sign to determine the actions and routine of that subject is a captivating lifetime study, and a small part of the larger discipline of Nature Awareness. If you want to plug all of your scenes in to the landscape to read bird behavior, the limb lean of trees, the patterns and systems in the natural world for meaningful information and deep communication, then our Awareness courses may be the place to start.
Our weekend courses and five day courses cover the same material. The weekend courses are designed for folks who might only have a weekend to learn the skills. The five day experience is much more immersive. While the same skills are covered, we bring you closer to the ideal of living them. have more questions? Contact the school at staff@primitiveskills.com for answers. You can also check out our calendar of year round courses at https://www.primitiveskills.com/courses/month/
Until then, we hope to see you on the trail!
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