Bow Making (Wilderness Immersion Apprentices Only)
September 28 @ 9:00 am - October 2 @ 2:00 pm
Learn the science behind making a bow as you get hands on experience in the craft. Both primitive and modern wood working skills will be covered in the making of a serviceable hunting bow. We will start with selecting a stave from the woods and work toward a completely functional hunting bow. Most of our time will be spent with hands on instruction while you craft your bow, but each night we will present a sequential aspect of bow design and craftsmanship.
Non Wilderness Immersion participants contact the school via e-mail at
Click Here to Register Now!
Cost: Enrollment in Residential or Non-Residential Immersion
Limit: 6 Participants
Transferable but non-refundable deposit
Age Limit 16 years old
For details contact the school at